DumBo Days are training days, master classes and conventions for people who are passionate about performing arts such as dance, theatre, juggling, acrobatics, circus…
The next edition of DumBo Days is 23, 24 and 25 november 2012 in Gent Belgium and will be a
“juggling, acrobatics & circus convention”
juggling: clubs, balls, rings, passing, yoyo, poi, swinging, staff, cigar boxes,
acrobatics: hand to hand, tumbling, trampoline, handbalance,
circus: monocycle, stilts, jumping stilts, ladder…
Gent is only 30 minutes drive from Brussels, ‘capital of Europe’, so it is very easy to get there by train, car or plane.
Fly to the capital with the cheap flights offered by Ryan air, Easy Jet, Wizzair… Once you have reached Brussels train station it takes less than 30 minutes by train to the main station of Gent: “Gent Sint-Pieters”
at 1 hour drive from Lille – France at 1h15 drive from Breda – the Netherlands at 2h40 drive from Köln – Germany.
Program on the website: www.dumbodays.net
But the idea is pretty clear, we offer 24 hours of workshops and 48 hours of training space in huge hall with a lot of space.
The 24 hours of workshops are friday from 7pm till 11pm, saturday from 10am till 10pm and sunday from 10am till 6pm.
The 48 hours of training space start friday at 7pm and end sunday at 7pm, the hall stays open, the lights stay on, you train when you want.
weekend: 39 euro
three days from friday 23/11 at 7pm till sunday 25-11 at 7pm
including all workshops, show and training space access
two nights sleep and two times brunch (all you can eat till noon)
saturday: 22 euro
including all workshops, show and training space access on saturday (no brunch, no place to sleep)
sunday: 18 euro
including all workshops and training space access on sunday (no brunch, no place to sleep).
Food and Drinks:
Food and Drinks will be offered at fair prices in the bar and at the different food stalls.
People who do not wish to eat at the venue can go into the nearby town centre. As one of the biggest university towns of the country Gent has something to offer for every taste and budget.